the science of resilience

digital courses

"I have big goals but I feel overwhelmed!"

One of the major stressors for students today is feeling overwhelmed due to the intense competition and complex time demands on the road from high school to college and beyond.

Neuroscience-based planners and digital courses teach students how to plan ahead and understand their thoughts and emotions better so that they can train their brains and have an extra edge for peak performance.

These programs are for students who seek to excel and are curious about maximizing their time while stressing less and being happier.

The following testimonials and any other testimonials present on this website/products are unsolicited and from students and or parents/guardians who have taken courses in many different forms i.e., live classrooms, workshops, online digital courses, one on one teaching online or in person, and any other format of teaching not limited to the list herein. Individual results will vary and testimonials do not guarantee, promise, or reflect the opinions of every student. By interacting with any of the products offered, you understand that you/your student or child's individual results are unique and may not result in the same experience described by the testimonials.

"Juna, I probably would have burnt out mentally and physically a long time ago without your wisdom and guidance."

Coco Ma, Canadian Author of DEATHLINGS (Viking/Penguin) and the SHADOW FROST TRILOGY ā¯„ļø¸ Concert Pianist | Yale University '25 | Juilliard Alumni

Stress Management and Resiliency Training

Stress Management and Resiliency Training adapted from SMART 3-RP
Build your mental and physical resilience through mind body practices.
Learn to connect to your wiser, more focused mind.
May benefit:
Anxiety-related symptoms, Headaches or migraines, Skin problems, Asthma or allergies, Autoimmune disorders, Mild to moderate depression, Chronic pain or TMJ, Insomnia or fatigue, Gastrointestinal disorders
Self-paced course for:
Parents, Professionals, Educators / Counselors / Coaches, Students (Older High School, College, Grad School)

This course is designed for busy people. There is a mini-lesson and exercises to apply to real life. Creating the habit to practice is integrated into the course.
This program is adapted from SMART-3RP: Stress Management and Resiliency Training ( Relaxation Response Resiliency ) course at the Benson Henry Institute for Mind-Body Medicine at Harvard Medical School

Tell me more!


Focus to Flow

Have an intense period of practice, studying, or project which you will need to focus on?

Learn to connect to your wiser, more focused mind especially when you're under pressure to perform.

Do you have less than 4 weeks until you have to perform or meet a deadline?

This course is for you! This course includes essential skills from the SOAR UP (Successful, Organized, Adaptable, Resilient Under Pressure) course so it can be an introduction or a booster for those who have already taken SOAR UP.

Self-paced course for:

- Students (Older Middle School, High School, College, Grad School)

- Anyone who needs a mini course to get focused and into a flow state.


Learn More!

High School  Juilliard Pre-College Student

Remembering that emotions don't define you and that emotions are temporary, I can come back to my breath to center myself.

I can’t begin to express the deep transformation that occurred in every aspect of my life

Rebecca Night

I sat down and just did the fingertips breathing. I rested, refocused and won the first 7 points of the tie breaker winning the match. Thank you so much. I couldn’t have done it without you!

High School  Tennis Player UTR 11, Section 1 Champion

High School MSM Pre-College

Bringing my attention back to the task at hand is now a permanent fixture in my day to day life! I enjoyed this course when I didn't expect to! Thank you so much!


Successful. Organized. Adaptable. Resilient.

Plan to SOAR 6-12 & beyond: Brain Boss Planner with accompanying digital course

plan and execute actionable skills you can easily use to improve your daily life


SOAR UP for Teens:Ā digital coursesĀ to perform at their best under pressure

take a self-guided journey with weekly interactive lessons


Learn More & Sign Up!

Learn to SOAR Under PressureĀ 


Level I: Self-Paced + E-mail Support

Level II: Coaching Support + Customized Offerings

Level III: Customized Support ++ Customized Offerings

Are you a student who is also an athlete, performer, musician, dancer, or involved in competitive academics?

Are you experiencing the ups and downs of excelling at something that means a lot to you?

Do you have more than 4 weeks until the big day or are you in it for the long haul?

Are you looking to bounce back from setbacks faster so you can be more productive and work toward your goals?

Do youĀ expect alot of yourself but, at times, you're not sure how to get where you want to go?

If you answered yes to any or all of the questions above, then this course is for you!

Learn More & Sign Up!

In the works!

Brain Boss Planner & Digital Course K-5

First of its kind, a neuroscience based planner and accompanying digital course!

keep me updated!

Stay Connected

Build your mental and physical resilience with science backed content

Weekly email with tips for peak performance and wellness

Get your free guide:

three steps to focus and calm




By listening to, reading information from, or enrolling in any programs and courses from MindBodySpace LLC, MindBodySpace Podcast, you accept all of the terms below.

MindBodySpace LLC website and all printed materials, programs and courses, is for informational and entertainment purposes only. MindBodySpace Podcast, website and programs/courses are not to be used as a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment of any health condition or problem. Do not rely on information provided on this podcast, website, or programs/courses for health problems. Any questions regarding your own health should be addressed with your own physician or other healthcare provider.

MindBodySpace LLC, makes no warranties nor express or implied representations whatsoever regarding the accuracy, completeness, timeliness, comparative or controversial nature, or usefulness of any information contained or referenced on this Podcast, Web site, programs or courses. MindBodySpace LLC does not assume any risk whatsoever for your use of the website, podcast, programs or courses or the information contained herein. Health-related information changes frequently and therefore information contained on this website, podcast, programs or courses, may be outdated, incomplete or incorrect. Statements made about products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Use of MindBodySpace LLC website, MindBodySpace Podcast, programs or courses does not create an expressed or implied physician-patient or client relationship.

Consult with a physician or other professional health-care provider prior to making any decisions, or undertaking any actions or not undertaking any actions related to any health care problem or issue you might have at any time, now or in the future. In using MindBodySpace LLC website, programs and courses with MindBodySpace LLC or listening to MindBodySpace Podcast, you agree that neither MindBodySpace LLC and MindBodySpace Podcast nor any other party is or will be liable or otherwise responsible for any decision made or any action taken or any action not taken due to your use of any information presented in this podcast, website, or programs and courses.


All Rights Reserved 2022

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