Stress Management And Resiliency Training


a self-paced course for busy people


Overwhelmed and stressed?

Do you feel like you're constantly under pressure?

Do you have chronic issues that are exacerbated by stress? 

You're not alone.

Stress is a normal part of everyday life, but it doesn't have to control you. 

When you understand your own stress biology, you

can take charge of your health and your mind. 


"Symptoms of stress can take many forms. Stress may cause physical complaints, such as tension headaches, back pain, indigestion, or heart palpitations. It may appear as cognitive problems, such as poor concentration and indecisiveness. Emotional symptoms of stress include crying, irritability, and edginess. And stress can also show up as negative behaviors. "Driving a car too fast, overeating, or smoking can all be behavioral symptoms of stress," says Dr. Webster. 



There are simple, scientifically-proven skills you can learn to manage stress, to feel better, and to strengthen your resiliency so that you can bounce back from setbacks faster, landing higher than you were before.

This self-paced program, adapted from the SMART-3RP, Stress Management and Resiliency Training Course from the Benson Henry Institute for Mind-Body Medicine at Harvard Medical School, consists of short, easy-to-digest lessons and practices you can apply to your everyday life.

Imagine if you could learn the steps to take control of your stress and build your resilience so that you can thrive even under pressure. 

Self-paced, < 5-10 minute powerful video lessons and 10-20 min mental exercises and meditations will actually help you gain time by decreasing the time lost on stressful emotions and unhealthy coping behaviors.

This course will guide you to increase your ability to engage and focus on what you are doing when you're doing it, for maximum productivity, performance, and joy!

Lessons include PDF downloads.


"Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.
— Buddha

This course may be right for you if you're:

  • constantly stressed out 
  • seeking to thrive and enjoy work and home life
  • curious about how mind-body practices can prevent diseases and keep you well
  • curious about how stress affects you down to the cellular level

You already know that healthy lifestyle choices and meditation can help you slow down and de-stress, but learning the biology of stress and how stress uniquely shows up for you, can make it so much easier to create healthier mind-body habits:


We all want to be healthy and happy. We want to have the adaptability and resilience to meet the challenges in our and our loved ones' lives. 

As you probably already know, we now have more scientific studies about the brain, emotions, and the mind-body connection than ever before.

Mental skills and mindset are the key factors in making healthy choices for ourselves. 

However, we all know that in our everyday fast culture, fast food, and fast information highways, it can be hard to choose healthy thoughts and behaviors, especially when we're stressed.

So it's a vicious cycle.

We're stressed so we choose unhealthy behaviors for immediate distraction and stress relief, but in the long run these unhealthy choices become disease states that add more to our stress.

Humans need the basics to survive—food and shelter. Beyond that, in order to thrive and to fulfill our unique potentials, it's necessary to become knowledgeable about our brains and bodies.

When we become aware of how our biology and physiology are affected under stressful conditions, we can take action to counter the stressors before it's too late. Effective stress management is crucial so that we can enjoy life with less drama, more joy, and habits that support a healthy mind and body.

By the end of this program,

you will know…


  • how to elicit your relaxation response

  • how to create consistent habits of self-care

  • your unique stress triggers and signs

  • a variety of healthy coping skills to manage stress and build resilience

In this program,

you will get…

  • (10) Lessons & (21) Practices

  • Accompanying PDF Guide

  • Unlimited e-mail support


A One-Time Payment of



For additional pricing options for your students, clients, and organization: Email: [email protected]

Stress can decrease our ability to regulate our thoughts, emotions and behaviors.

It's never too early or too late to start learning about how to buffer the impact of everyday stressors on our mental and physical health. We now know that the brain can create new neural connections until the day we die, but the more neural connections we make, i.e., learn new things, the better off our brains will be in our later years.

Excess stress overload can leave us in our automatic reactionary state. This course will help you strengthen your connections to the executive functioning portions of your brain so that you can catch your stress early and counteract it with simple but powerfully effective tools.

"Stress also hijacks our good intentions and increases the likelihood that we will be swept away by our impulses or automatic responses. So, even if we manage to develop a good plan, we will find it harder to stick to it if we are under a pile-up of stress." -- Harvard University C.D.C.

"When I was in a terrible crisis mode, I remembered what I learned in my sessions and  I use these incredibly simple but powerful tools to center myself.  My 10 year old son uses her audios and videos which are incredibly helpful when he feels anxious at bedtime." E. M. Physician

"I liked learning about the different sciences and theories behind mindfulness and resilience. I really did love it all. This is one of my most cherished experiences so far. So glad I participated." Medical Student

"I liked the combination of material giving us advice on techniques and the scientific basis for their effects" Columbia Law Student

The testimonials are from students who have taken courses in many different formats. Individual results will vary and testimonials do not guarantee, promise, or reflect the opinions of every student. By interacting with any of the products offered, you understand that you/your student or child's individual results are unique and may not result in the same experience described by the testimonials.

Learn the science of resilience to buffer everyday stress. Make self-care a habit to prevent disease and live your best life.

This course is powered by neuroscience and the skills in it have changed my life and my family's life in the most amazing ways.

You're in the right place to give your kids the extra edge.

You want your kids to have the power of choice over their own thoughts, health, and life goals. Understanding their neuroscience and emotions are the pathways to self-regulation and ultimately, a well lived life.

Wishing you wellness,

Dr. Juna Bobby

A One-Time Payment of



For bulk (>10) pricing options for your students, clients, and organization: Email: [email protected]

Frequently Asked Questions

We want you to be happy!


[email protected]


If within 7 days, you can show your work and you decide this course is not for you, you can get credit toward:

  • any other offered course or coaching session
  • personalized audio products
  • refund minus $25 admin fee