Plan to SOAR for Tweens & Teens

Gain mental skills to perform your best when it counts...

without investing time that you don't have.

Just 10 minutes a day will help you GAIN TIME by training your attention to focus on what matters the most.

If your tween or teen:

  • is the kind of person who expects a lot of themselves
  • seeks to excel in sports, academics, arts, performances
  • is curious about how they can be at their best for the big event or exam while stressing less and enjoying life more

then you already know that a mental resilience booster is the extra edge they need

We all want the best for our kids and we wish they could have the adaptability and resilience to meet the challenges in life. We're there to cheer them on, get the best coaches, and we try to listen to all the best parenting advice. 

As you already know, we now have more scientific evidence about the brain, emotions, and performance than ever before.

Mental skills, in the short run and especially, in the long run, are key to what we all want for our kids: to fulfill their potential with less drama, more joy, and habits that support a healthy mind and body.

By the end of this program,

you will have…


  • A More Flexible Mindset

    Understanding that we can power and guide our brain to change leads to lifelong resilience
  • Skills to Strengthen Focus

    Practicing how to focus, under different emotional states, is key to performing under pressure
  • Organizing time and energy

    Learn time perception and planning that keeps you calm and focused for a successful outcome
  • Adaptability & Resilience

    When things don't go as planned, the key to life-long soaring under pressure is being creative, changing with the circumstances, and learning as we go to land higher than before

The following testimonials and any other testimonials present on this website/products are unsolicited and from students and or parents/guardians who have taken courses in many different forms i.e., live classrooms, workshops, online digital courses, one on one teaching online or in person, and any other format of teaching not limited to the list herein. Individual results will vary and testimonials do not guarantee, promise, or reflect the opinions of every student. By interacting with any of the products offered, you understand that you/your student or child's individual results are unique and may not result in the same experience described by the testimonials.

Absolutely. wonderful experience learning about how to manage stress, eat healthier, develop better sleep and exercise habits, etc. life-changing

- Kevin Zhu, American Violinist Recipient of the Kovner Fellowship at The Juilliard School


Before, when I would get something wrong, it would affect my confidence and send me on a downward spiral where I'd answer easy or obvious questions incorrectly. My scores have increased 2-3 full letter grades since then. 

- Former Student Now a Board Certified Internal Medicine Physician


He practiced all the exercises before the audition and he got into all the schools, including his dream school! 

- Mom of HS Musician


“Juna I probably would have burnt out mentally and physically a long time ago without your wisdom and guidance."

Coco Ma, Canadian Author of DEATHLINGS (Viking/Penguin) and the SHADOW FROST TRILOGY ❄️ Yale University '25 | Juilliard Alumni

As a competitive athlete, musician and dedicated student, she needed some coping tools to manage stress levels and emotions so that she could perform at the level she expected of herself. By learning the links between mental and physical wellness, Dr. Juna has given her the skills and techniques to focus, perform and de-stress, which will serve her well for her entire life. As a result, she is calmer and more confident in her ability to tackle the various demands on the field, on the stage or at her desk.”

Mom of HS Sophomore

"I reached out to Juna after a difficult tennis tournament my son played in March.  His technical abilities were very high, but something was impeding him to compete at his best level and we just couldn’t figure it out.  My son plays competitive tennis and trains 20+ hours a week.  Tennis, however, is as much mental as it is a physical game (if not more).  Juna was able to assess some level of burnout as well as automatic negative responses to certain trigger points in his matches.  She designed a program for him focused on (1) organization and planning and (2) mindfulness, meditation, and mental agility.  The beauty of the program was that it was short (~10-20min per day) and tactical.  Most sports psychologists reinforce abstract terms (“be positive on the court”) but it is not easy to translate this into action without a more tactical approach.  We observed progress even though it was not linear.  Some of the old habits still show up every once and then even on good days.  But I did observe a very tangible change with my son in the way he approached his day, standardized tests, and tennis practices.  Juna brings a certain levity in her communication with both parents and children.  She approaches her work holistically and is very dedicated to her students.  I really like the passion she shows and the support she provides to her clients.  I have personally learned a lot from Juna and consider her coaching instrumental for both my child’s and my personal growth."

Mother of HS Junior

Self-Paced Course


  • Digital Course with all updates for 1 year
  • Q&A E-mail support
  • Digital Planner Pages
  • Digital Workbook

What’s Inside Plan to S.O.A.R.  

Module 1

About Time

  • why is time so precious?
  • how does your brain perceive time?
  • how does the quality of your attention affect time?

Module Highlights:

Self-awareness to

  • understand where time goes
  • drive motivation
Module 2

Brilliant Brain

Understand the basics of neuroplasticity (how the brains change) to empower ourselves

Module Highlights:

  • your brain can change 
  • learning how the brain changes
  • our superpower is the ability to guide our brains to change
Module 3 


successful. organized. adaptable. resilient. (mind body & space)

Module Highlights:

  • Learn what success means to you and how to practice reflecting on your goals
  • Organize your space to effectively manage time
  • Adaptability is key for future of success; understand what it means and how to practice this skill

  • Resilient mind and how to focus on the breath to achieve a strong and flexible mental state

    • Resilient body by understanding how to nourish ourselves

    • Resilient space helps us understand what consciously and unconsciously influences our behaviors, emotions, and thoughts


Module 4 

Using the planner

Module Highlights:

  • A step by step guide to use the planner to practice all the skills you learned in Plan to S.O.A.R.

When you enroll today,

you’ll get:


Plan to S.O.A.R.

  • 4 Video Modules 

    Learn life-long skills to perform at your best when it matters the most, with less drama and more joy

  • PDF Workbook

  • PDF Planner

    Organizing your time and energy is key to soaring under pressure.

Plus These Bonuses to Help You Get Custom Results 


  • Pre-course personalization survey
  • Post-course survey
  • E-mail support and follow-up
  • 10% off paper planner (out June/July 2022)

Frequently Asked Questions

It's never too early or too late to start, but the teen and tween years are an amazing period of growth during which the brain reorganizes, makes new connections and prunes unnecessary ones.

  1. A teen brain is susceptible to stress and the chemical states of chronic stress is a toxin for the growing brain.
  2. We hire tutors and coaches, but the foundation to success is understanding your own brain and body.
  3. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure —the earlier kids are introduced to concepts of well being, the better chance they will become second nature.
  4. Students are short on time and high on pressure. Give them tools backed by science that are natural and easy to access.
  5. Start to boost your child's resilience today. It's a lifelong skill. You know how powerful neuroscience and emotional intelligence is, but kids need to experience it over and over again, from many different perspectives.
  6. With these skills you can leave less to chance and more to intentional growth so they can plan to SOAR. (Successful, Organized, Adaptable, and Resilient)


Successful. Organized. Adaptable. Resilient.

Introductory Pricing

One time payment


  • Digital Course with all updates for 1 year
  • Q&A E-mail support
  • Digital Planner Pages
  • Digital Workbook

Join SOAR Under Pressure before overwhelm becomes a habit.

This course is powered by neuroscience and the skills in it have changed my life and my family's life in the most amazing ways.

You're in the right place to give your kids the extra edge.

You want your kids to have the power of choice over their own thoughts, health, and life goals. Understanding their neuroscience and emotions are the pathways to self-regulation and ultimately, a well lived life.

Wishing you wellness,

Dr. Juna Bobby

We want you to be happy!


[email protected]

If within 10 days, you decide this course is not for you, you can get credit toward another course, a private session, or personalized audio products.